Dr. Jennifer Howard

Jennifer Howard

Challenges to responsible scaling of mangrove protection and restoration

With coastal communities already facing the impacts of a changing climate, we urgently need to invest in conserving and restoring mangroves now as nature-based solutions to adapt to this changing planet. This includes setting a global target that aligns ambition, provides a systemic vision, and attracts public and private capital at the scale needed to turn the tide in mangrove conservation. Scaling is key but navigating the complexities of reaching scale in a responsible and science-based manor has hinders our ability. Much more capital and collaboration is needed to turn commitments into actions. Dr. Howard will speak to this challenge and the opportunities for radical collaboration.

Short Bio

Dr. Howard is the Vice President of the Blue Carbon Program at Conservation International (CI). Her work focuses on implementing scalable mechanisms to conserve coastal and marine ecosystems to protect threatened coastal communities, combat climate change, and conserve coastal biodiversity. In this role, she provides technical support to our teams on the ground all over the world and builds partnerships for largescale meaningful change. She helped to found the Global Mangrove Alliance and represents CI on its Steering Committee with the goal of halting loss, doubling protection, restoring half of mangrove ecosystems globally through meaningful collaboration across sectors and disciplines. She is also a technical expert with Blue Carbon Initiative, a global program on coastal carbon science and marine policy working to mitigate climate change through the restoration and sustainable use of coastal and marine ecosystems. She is a technical advisor to the Verra Blue Carbon Working Group where she is developing carbon crediting methodologies that work for large and small projects anywhere in the world. Jennifer also spends time working closely with partners to identify barriers to taking blue carbon to scale and coming up with innovative solutions to overcome those barriers.