Grupo ISA and Fundación Argos commit to Colombian mangroves and join the course “Mangroves as Foundations for the Blue Economy”.

Bogotá, Colombia – In their ongoing commitment to sustainability and the protection of key ecosystems in Colombia, Grupo Interconexión Eléctrica SA ESP (ISA) and Fundación Argos have decided to focus on the mangroves of the Colombian Caribbean.

These companies have registered as the main participants in the international course “Mangroves as Foundations for the Blue Economy” to be held in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta from 19 to 22 July 2023, with the aim of understanding the true potential of mangroves and their contribution to CO2 absorption processes, thus seeking to meet their compensation goals set for future and ensuring the reduction of the impacts generated by their operations.

The course offers participants a wide range of benefits. It not only focuses on carbon neutral programmes, but also explores local initiatives of economic models aligned with the blue economy. In addition, it addresses topics such as community development programmes, sustainable tourism ventures and a comprehensive assessment of ecosystem services that positively impact regions.

In order to achieve the objectives of the course, nine instructors with expertise in different areas will participate in the course. Special interactions with local fishing communities, inhabitants of palafitic settlements in the area, developers of ecotourism alternatives and students of environmental technology in Nueva Venecia are another key feature. These interactions will allow the development of strategies to positively improve the quality of life from multiple perspectives, including education, promotion of healthy habits, impact on infrastructure and strengthening of institutions.

In addition, it is expected that this approach will contribute to the social management processes developed institutionally in ISA and Argos, including projects with communities, corporate volunteering, human rights and stakeholders.

The course already has registered participants from Colombia, the United States, Belgium, Panama, Mexico, Brazil and China. It is hoped that this exchange of experiences will enrich discussions and encourage the participation of more companies and transformational agents from around the world.

It is time to change the perspective towards the Colombian Caribbean region and take advantage of economic valuation techniques and the social context to promote a blue economy, with a special emphasis on business models in which communities play a key role.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join this great initiative and bet on the blue economy, we are waiting for you!